Harendra Chitra College was established on 25th December 1992. The college is situated in the peaceful surroundings of the village Kawaimari Block no 11, P.O- Naligaon, near Bhaktardoba Bazar. It commenced its journey by offering H.S. classes from the Academic year 1992-93. With a vision to promote higher education, especially for rural people, the college has continued to provide quality education to the underprivileged rural community as a venture college until 2021. It is affiliated to Gauhati University and received recognition under section 2(f) in 2012 and 12(B) of the UGC Act, 1956 in 2014. Starting from January 1, 2021, some of the teaching and non-teaching staff of the college was officially provincialized under the Assam Venture Educational institutions (provincialisation of services) Act, 2011, and amended bill in 2018, in accordance with the government-sanctioned order no.AHE 1010/2019/Pt/49, DTD 01/02/2021.However, the Provincialisation of Services Act in 2011 resulted in many teaching and non-teaching staff not being provincialized due to specific criteria. Despite this challenge, these faculty members have continued to provide their services with utmost dedication. Currently, the college offers undergraduate education in accordance with the National Education policy 2020. Additionally, the college provides add on/certificate courses for students and strives to enhance their physical, intellectual, aesthetic and other capabilities. The institution is now voluntarily undergoing the first cycle of assessment and accreditation by submitting its Self Study Report, which aligns with NAAC’s guidelines. This report outlines the institution’s vision, mission and innovative initiatives in its pursuit of excellence.