Introduction: The College Code of Conduct serves as a guide for all members of our college community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors. It outlines the principles, values, and expectations that govern behaviour within our institution. By upholding these standards, we create an environment conducive to learning, personal growth, and mutual respect.

1. Respect for Others: We believe in fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and understanding within our college community. All members are expected to treat others with dignity and courtesy, regardless of differences in background, identity, or opinion. Discrimination, harassment, bullying, or any form of disrespectful behaviour is strictly prohibited.
2. Academic Integrity: Academic integrity is fundamental to the pursuit of knowledge and intellectual growth. Students, faculty, and staff are expected to uphold the highest standards of honesty and ethical conduct in all academic endeavours. This includes avoiding plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, and other forms of academic dishonesty. Any violation of academic integrity will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action.
3. Personal Integrity: Integrity is a cornerstone of character and professionalism. All members of the college community are expected to act with honesty, transparency, and accountability in their interactions with others and in their personal and professional conduct. This includes being truthful, ethical, and responsible in all endeavours, both on and off campus.
4. Responsible Citizenship: As members of a larger society, we have a responsibility to contribute positively to our community and to the world around us. This includes being engaged citizens, responsible stewards of the environment, and advocates for social justice and equity. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to participate in community service, civic engagement, and other activities that promote the common good.
5. Safety and Security: The safety and well-being of our college community are paramount. We are committed to providing a safe, secure, and inclusive environment for all members. Threats, violence, harassment, or any other behaviour that compromises the safety or security of others will not be tolerated. We encourage all members to report any concerns or incidents to the appropriate college authorities.
6. Compliance with Policies and Regulations: All members of the college community are expected to comply with college policies, procedures, and regulations, as well as local, state, and federal laws. This includes but is not limited to policies related to academic conduct, campus safety, diversity and inclusion, alcohol and drug use, and technology use. Violations of these policies may result in disciplinary action.
7. Respect for Diversity and Inclusion: Diversity is strength, and inclusion is essential for the success of our college community. We celebrate the richness of human experience and strive to create an environment where all individuals feel welcome, valued, and respected. Discrimination, harassment, or any form of bias-based conduct is antithetical to our values and will not be tolerated.
8. Responsible Use of Resources: The college provides various resources, including facilities, equipment, technology, and financial support, to support teaching, learning, research, and other activities. All members of the college community are expected to use these resources responsibly, ethically, and in accordance with college policies and procedures. Misuse or abuse of college resources may result in disciplinary action.
9. Professionalism: Professionalism is essential for success in academic, professional, and personal endeavours. Students, faculty, and staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times, both on and off campus. This includes being punctual, respectful, accountable, and committed to excellence in all aspects of their work and interactions.
10. Reporting Violations: Any member of the college community who becomes aware of a violation of the Code of Conduct is encouraged to report it to the appropriate college authorities. Reports may be made anonymously, and all concerns will be taken seriously and addressed promptly and fairly. Retaliation against individuals who report violations in good faith is strictly prohibited.

Students’ Code of Conduct:
The Student Code of Conduct outlines the rights, responsibilities, and expectations for students within our college community. It serves as a guide for fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment conducive to learning, personal growth, and academic excellence.

1. Academic Integrity:
a. Students are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity in all academic endeavours.
b. Plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, and other forms of academic dishonesty are strictly prohibited.
c. Students must properly cite sources and give credit to the original authors when using their work in assignments, papers, or projects.
d. Any form of unauthorized collaboration or assistance during examinations or assignments is considered academic dishonesty.
2. Classroom Conduct:
a. Students must adhere to the guidelines set by instructors regarding attendance, participation, and behaviour in the classroom.
b. Disruptive behaviour, including but not limited to talking out of turn, using electronic devices inappropriately, or engaging in disrespectful behaviour towards instructors or classmates, is not permitted.
c. Students are expected to arrive on time for classes and to notify instructors in advance if they are unable to attend.
3. Respect for Others:
a. Students must treat all members of the college community with respect, dignity, and courtesy.
b. Discrimination, harassment, bullying, or any form of disrespectful behaviour towards others based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other characteristic is prohibited.
c. Students should listen actively, engage in constructive dialogue, and be open to diverse perspectives and experiences.
4. Campus Safety and Security:
a. Students are responsible for their own safety and the safety of others on campus.
b. Any behaviour that compromises the safety or security of individuals or property, including but not limited to threats, violence, vandalism, or unauthorized access to campus facilities, is strictly prohibited.
c. Students should familiarize themselves with campus safety procedures and emergency protocols and cooperate with campus security personnel in case of emergencies.
5. Responsible Use of Resources:
a. Students must use college resources, including facilities, equipment, technology, and financial aid, responsibly and ethically.
b. Misuse or abuse of college resources, including but not limited to theft, vandalism, or unauthorized use of college property, is prohibited.
c. Students should respect the rights and property of others and report any incidents of misuse or abuse to college authorities.
6. Alcohol and Drug Policy:
a. The possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs on campus or at college-sponsored events is strictly prohibited.
b. Students are expected to comply with all local, state, and federal laws regarding the possession and use of alcohol and drugs.
c. The college provides resources and support for students struggling with substance abuse issues and encourages students to seek help if needed.
7. Diversity and Inclusion:
a. Students should respect and celebrate the diversity of our college community and strive to create an inclusive environment where all individuals feel welcome and valued.
b. Discrimination, prejudice, or bias-based conduct towards individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other characteristic is not tolerated.
c. Students should actively participate in efforts to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus, including attending cultural events, supporting student organizations, and engaging in respectful dialogue.
8. Off-Campus Conduct:
a. Students are representatives of the college both on and off campus and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with college values and policies at all times.
b. Any behaviour that reflects poorly on the college or jeopardizes the safety or well-being of others may result in disciplinary action.
c. Students should be mindful of how their actions may impact the reputation of the college and act responsibly in their interactions with others in the broader community.
9. Compliance with College Policies:
a. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with and comply with all college policies, procedures, and regulations, as well as local, state, and federal laws.
b. Ignorance of college policies or laws is not an excuse for non-compliance and may result in disciplinary action.
c. Students should seek clarification from college authorities if they have questions or concerns about any college policy or regulation.
10. Reporting Violations:
a. Students who become aware of any violations of the Student Code of Conduct are encouraged to report them to the appropriate college authorities.
b. Reports may be made anonymously, and all concerns will be taken seriously and investigated promptly and fairly.
c. Retaliation against individuals who report violations in good faith is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.

Principal’s code of conduct:
The Principal’s Code of Conduct serves as a guide for the professional conduct and ethical leadership of the college principal. It outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and principles that guide the principal in fulfilling their role as the chief executive officer of the college.

1. Integrity and Ethical Leadership:
a. The principal shall uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and ethical behaviour in all professional and personal endeavours.
b. The principal shall lead by example, demonstrating fairness, transparency, and accountability in decision-making and actions.
c. The principal shall avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of their duties.
2. Commitment to Educational Excellence:
a. The principal shall demonstrate a deep commitment to educational excellence and the success of all students.
b. The principal shall promote a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, fostering a supportive and challenging learning environment for students, faculty, and staff.
c. The principal shall advocate for equitable access to educational opportunities and resources for all students, regardless of background or ability.
3. Respect for Diversity and Inclusion:
a. The principal shall respect and celebrate the diversity of the college community, fostering an inclusive environment where all individuals feel valued and respected.
b. The principal shall promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of college operations, including hiring practices, curriculum development, and student support services.
c. The principal shall address instances of discrimination, harassment, or bias-based conduct promptly and effectively, ensuring that all members of the college community are treated with dignity and respect.
4. Effective Communication and Collaboration:
a. The principal shall communicate openly, honestly, and effectively with all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, parents, and community members.
b. The principal shall foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork, working closely with faculty, staff, and other stakeholders to achieve the college’s mission and goals.
c. The principal shall listen actively to the concerns and feedback of others, seeking input and perspectives from diverse sources to inform decision-making and problem-solving.
5. Responsible Stewardship of Resources:
a. The principal shall exercise responsible stewardship of college resources, including financial, physical, and human resources.
b. The principal shall develop and implement sound fiscal policies and procedures, ensuring that college funds are used efficiently and effectively to support the college’s mission and priorities.
c. The principal shall prioritize investments in programs and initiatives that promote student success, academic excellence, and institutional advancement.
6. Campus Safety and Security:
a. The principal shall prioritize the safety and security of all members of the college community, implementing and enforcing policies and procedures to ensure a safe and supportive learning environment.
b. The principal shall collaborate with campus security personnel, local law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to develop and implement emergency preparedness plans and protocols.
c. The principal shall respond promptly and effectively to incidents of violence, harassment, or other threats to campus safety, taking appropriate action to protect the well-being of students, faculty, and staff.
7. Professional Development and Growth:
a. The principal shall engage in ongoing professional development and growth, staying abreast of best practices, research, and trends in education and leadership.
b. The principal shall seek opportunities for self-reflection and feedback, actively soliciting input from colleagues, mentors, and supervisors to enhance their effectiveness as a leader.
c. The principal shall support the professional development and growth of faculty and staff, providing opportunities for learning, training, and skill development to support their success and advancement.
8. Compliance with Laws and Regulations:
a. The principal shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies governing the operation of the college, including but not limited to federal, state, and local laws, accreditation standards, and college policies and procedures.
b. The principal shall ensure that college operations are conducted in accordance with legal and ethical standards, taking appropriate action to address any instances of non-compliance or misconduct.
c. The principal shall promote a culture of ethical conduct and legal compliance throughout the college, providing guidance, training, and support to faculty, staff, and students to uphold the highest standards of integrity and accountability.
9. Professionalism and Role Modeling:
a. The principal shall conduct themselves with professionalism and decorum in all interactions and communications, both within and outside the college community.
b. The principal shall serve as a positive role model for students, faculty, and staff, demonstrating integrity, respect, and dedication to the college’s mission and values.
c. The principal shall represent the college with dignity and pride, fostering positive relationships with stakeholders, alumni, donors, and community partners to advance the college’s reputation and interests.
10. Reporting and Accountability:
a. The principal shall maintain accurate records and documentation of their actions, decisions, and communications in accordance with college policies and legal requirements.
b. The principal shall promptly report any suspected violations of laws, regulations, or college policies to appropriate authorities, taking appropriate action to address and rectify the situation.
c. The principal shall hold themselves accountable for their actions and decisions, accepting responsibility for any mistakes or shortcomings and taking steps to learn and grow from them.

Teachers’ Code of Conduct:
The Teachers’ Code of Conduct outlines the professional standards, responsibilities, and expectations for faculty members within our college community. It serves as a guide for fostering excellence in teaching, promoting student success, and upholding the values of our institution.

1. Commitment to Teaching Excellence:
a. Teachers are committed to providing high-quality instruction that inspires, challenges, and engages students in the learning process.
b. Teachers shall strive for excellence in their teaching practices, continuously improving their pedagogical methods, course content, and assessment strategies.
c. Teachers shall create a supportive and inclusive learning environment that fosters intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and academic achievement.
2. Academic Integrity:
a. Teachers shall uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty in all aspects of their teaching and scholarship.
b. Teachers shall model ethical behaviour and integrity for their students, adhering to principles of honesty, fairness, and transparency in grading, evaluation, and research.
c. Teachers shall educate students about the importance of academic integrity and provide guidance and support to help them develop and maintain ethical standards in their academic work.
3. Respect for Students:
a. Teachers shall treat all students with respect, dignity, and fairness, regardless of their background, identity, or abilities.
b. Teachers shall recognize and value the diversity of student experiences, perspectives, and learning styles, adapting their teaching methods to meet the needs of diverse learners.
c. Teachers shall listen actively to students’ questions, concerns, and feedback, demonstrating empathy, patience, and understanding in their interactions.
4. Professional Conduct:
a. Teachers shall conduct themselves with professionalism and integrity in all interactions with students, colleagues, and stakeholders.
b. Teachers shall maintain appropriate boundaries and avoid any behaviour that could be perceived as harassing, discriminatory, or inappropriate.
c. Teachers shall fulfil their professional responsibilities, including attending classes and meetings punctually, responding to student inquiries in a timely manner, and completing administrative tasks promptly and accurately.
5. Collaboration and Collegiality:
a. Teachers shall collaborate effectively with colleagues, administrators, and staff to support student learning and academic success.
b. Teachers shall share ideas, resources, and best practices with colleagues, contributing to a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement within the college community.
c. Teachers shall treat their colleagues with respect, professionalism, and collegiality, fostering positive relationships and a supportive work environment.
6. Student Support and Advising:
a. Teachers shall provide academic and professional guidance to students, serving as mentors, advisors, and advocates for their success.
b. Teachers shall be accessible and approachable to students, offering support, encouragement, and assistance as needed to help students overcome challenges and achieve their goals.
c. Teachers shall refer students to appropriate support services, resources, and opportunities for academic and personal development, ensuring that students have access to the support they need to thrive.
7. Ethical Conduct and Research Integrity:
a. Teachers engaged in research or scholarly activities shall conduct themselves with honesty, integrity, and transparency, adhering to ethical principles and professional standards in their research practices.
b. Teachers shall accurately and honestly report research findings, citing sources appropriately and acknowledging contributions from collaborators and other scholars.
c. Teachers shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and institutional policies governing research conduct, ensuring the ethical and responsible conduct of research activities.
8. Confidentiality and Privacy:
a. Teachers shall respect the confidentiality and privacy of student records and information, maintaining the security and confidentiality of student data in accordance with applicable laws and institutional policies.
b. Teachers shall exercise discretion and professionalism in handling sensitive information, ensuring that student confidentiality is maintained at all times.
c. Teachers shall use student information only for legitimate educational purposes and shall not disclose confidential information without proper authorization.
9. Professional Development and Scholarship:
a. Teachers shall engage in on-going professional development and scholarship, staying abreast of developments in their field and enhancing their knowledge and skills as educators.
b. Teachers shall pursue opportunities for professional growth, including attending conferences, workshops, and seminars, participating in professional organizations, and pursuing advanced degrees or certifications.
c. Teachers shall contribute to the scholarly community through research, publications, presentations, and other scholarly activities that advance knowledge and understanding in their field.
10. Reporting and Accountability:
a. Teachers who become aware of any violations of the Teachers’ Code of Conduct or other college policies are obligated to report them promptly to appropriate college authorities.
b. Teachers shall cooperate fully with any investigations or inquiries into allegations of misconduct, providing truthful and accurate information as requested.
c. Teachers shall hold themselves accountable for their actions and decisions, accepting responsibility for any mistakes or shortcomings and taking appropriate corrective action.

Non-Teaching Personnel Code of Conduct:
The Non-Teaching Personnel Code of Conduct establishes the standards of behaviour, professionalism, and ethical conduct expected from all non-teaching staff members within our college community. It serves as a guide for fostering a positive work environment, promoting organizational effectiveness, and upholding the values of our institution.
1. Professionalism and Integrity:
a. Non-teaching personnel shall conduct themselves with professionalism, integrity, and honesty in all interactions and communications, both within and outside the college community.
b. Non-teaching personnel shall adhere to ethical standards and principles of conduct, maintaining confidentiality, respecting privacy, and avoiding conflicts of interest in their professional responsibilities.
c. Non-teaching personnel shall fulfil their duties and responsibilities with diligence, competence, and accountability, striving for excellence in all aspects of their work.
2. Respect for Colleagues and Students:
a. Non-teaching personnel shall treat all colleagues, students, and visitors with respect, dignity, and courtesy, regardless of their position, background, or status.
b. Non-teaching personnel shall foster a welcoming and inclusive environment, valuing diversity and promoting a culture of respect and acceptance within the college community.
c. Non-teaching personnel shall communicate openly, listen attentively, and collaborate effectively with colleagues, students, and stakeholders, demonstrating empathy, understanding, and cooperation in their interactions.
3. Compliance with Policies and Regulations:
a. Non-teaching personnel shall comply with all college policies, procedures, and regulations, as well as applicable laws and regulations governing their work responsibilities.
b. Non-teaching personnel shall familiarize themselves with relevant policies and guidelines related to their areas of responsibility, seeking clarification or guidance as needed to ensure compliance.
c. Non-teaching personnel shall report any violations of college policies or regulations promptly to appropriate authorities, cooperating fully with investigations or inquiries as required.
4. Confidentiality and Privacy:
a. Non-teaching personnel shall respect the confidentiality and privacy of sensitive information, records, and communications, maintaining the security and confidentiality of such information in accordance with applicable laws and institutional policies.
b. Non-teaching personnel shall exercise discretion and professionalism in handling confidential or proprietary information, ensuring that access is limited to authorized individuals and that information is used only for legitimate purposes.
c. Non-teaching personnel shall not disclose confidential information without proper authorization, and shall take appropriate precautions to safeguard information from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse.
5. Safety and Security:
a. Non-teaching personnel shall prioritize the safety and security of all members of the college community, taking proactive measures to prevent accidents, injuries, or incidents that may compromise safety.
b. Non-teaching personnel shall adhere to safety protocols and procedures, including but not limited to emergency evacuation procedures, first aid protocols, and safety training requirements.
c. Non-teaching personnel shall report any safety hazards, security concerns, or suspicious activities promptly to appropriate authorities, taking appropriate action to address and mitigate risks to safety and security.
6. Professional Development and Growth: a. Non-teaching personnel shall engage in on-going professional development and growth, seeking opportunities to enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities in their respective roles. b. Non-teaching personnel shall participate in training programs, workshops, and seminars relevant to their areas of responsibility, staying abreast of best practices, emerging trends, and developments in their field. c. Non-teaching personnel shall take responsibility for their professional development, setting goals, seeking feedback, and pursuing opportunities for advancement and career growth within the college community.
7. Collaboration and Teamwork:
a. Non-teaching personnel shall collaborate effectively with colleagues, supervisors, and other stakeholders to achieve common goals and objectives.
b. Non-teaching personnel shall contribute positively to team dynamics, fostering a culture of collaboration, cooperation, and mutual support within their departments and across the college.
c. Non-teaching personnel shall share knowledge, resources, and expertise with colleagues, promoting a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the college community.
8. Customer Service and Professionalism:
a. Non-teaching personnel shall provide excellent customer service to students, faculty, staff, and visitors, responding promptly and courteously to inquiries, requests, and concerns.
b. Non-teaching personnel shall strive to meet or exceed expectations for quality, efficiency, and responsiveness in delivering services and support to the college community.
c. Non-teaching personnel shall maintain a positive attitude and professional demeanour in all interactions, demonstrating empathy, patience, and a willingness to assist others in achieving their goals.
9. Use of College Resources:
a. Non-teaching personnel shall use college resources, including facilities, equipment, supplies, and technology, responsibly and ethically, in accordance with college policies and procedures.
b. Non-teaching personnel shall avoid waste, misuse, or abuse of college resources, using them efficiently and effectively to support the mission and goals of the college.
c. Non-teaching personnel shall report any concerns or incidents involving the misuse or abuse of college resources to appropriate authorities, taking appropriate action to address and rectify the situation.
10. Reporting Violations and Accountability:
a. Non-teaching personnel who become aware of any violations of the Non-Teaching Personnel Code of Conduct or other college policies are obligated to report them promptly to appropriate college authorities.
b. Non-teaching personnel shall cooperate fully with any investigations or inquiries into allegations of misconduct, providing truthful and accurate information as requested.
c. Non-teaching personnel shall hold themselves accountable for their actions and decisions, accepting responsibility for any mistakes or shortcomings and taking appropriate corrective action.

Gender Policy:
The Gender Policy of HarendraChitra College is committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful environment that promotes gender equity, diversity, and empowerment within the college community. This policy recognizes the importance of creating a supportive and welcoming campus climate where all individuals, regardless of gender identity or expression, can thrive and succeed.

1. Gender Equity and Inclusivity:
a. HarendraChitra College is committed to promoting gender equity and inclusivity in all aspects of college life, including but not limited to recruitment, admissions, hiring, promotion, and access to resources and opportunities. b. The college shall strive to eliminate gender-based discrimination, harassment, and bias, creating a culture that values and respects the contributions of all genders. c. The college shall provide educational programs, training, and resources to raise awareness about gender issues and promote understanding, empathy, and allyship within the college community.
2. Gender Identity and Expression:
a. HarendraChitra College recognizes and affirms the rights of individuals to express their gender identity and to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their gender identity or expression.
b. The college shall provide support services, resources, and accommodations to transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming students, faculty, and staff, ensuring that their needs are met and that they have equal access to all college programs and facilities.
c. The college shall implement policies and procedures to facilitate the process of updating gender markers and names on college records, documents, and identification cards in accordance with individuals’ self-identified gender identities.
3. Gender-Based Violence and Harassment:
a. HarendraChitra College prohibits all forms of gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination, including but not limited to sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, and intimate partner violence.
b. The college shall provide prevention education, training, and resources to raise awareness about gender-based violence and to empower individuals to intervene safely and effectively.
c. The college shall implement policies and procedures for responding to reports of gender-based violence and harassment, providing support services, accommodations, and disciplinary measures as appropriate to address and prevent further harm.
4. Gender-Neutral Facilities and Accommodations:
a. HarendraChitra College shall provide gender-neutral restrooms, changing facilities, and housing options to accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of all members of the college community.
b. The college shall ensure that all facilities and accommodations are accessible, safe, and welcoming to individuals of all genders, providing signage, design features, and amenities that promote inclusivity and comfort.
c. The college shall address any concerns or incidents of discrimination, harassment, or discomfort related to the use of gender-neutral facilities and accommodations, taking appropriate action to address and resolve the situation.
5. Gender-Sensitive Policies and Practices:
a. HarendraChitra College shall review and revise existing policies and practices to ensure that they are gender-sensitive and inclusive, addressing the unique needs and experiences of individuals of all genders.
b. The college shall engage in on-going assessment and evaluation of its policies and practices to identify and address any barriers or disparities related to gender equity and inclusivity.
c. The college shall collaborate with student organizations, advocacy groups, and community partners to develop and implement initiatives that promote gender equity and advance the college’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.
6. Training and Professional Development:
a. HarendraChitra College shall provide training and professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, and administrators on gender issues, equity, diversity, and inclusion.
b. The college shall integrate gender-related topics into new employee orientation programs, leadership training, and on-going professional development initiatives to ensure that all members of the college community are knowledgeable and competent in addressing gender-related issues.
c. The college shall support the formation of gender equity committees or task forces comprised of faculty, staff, students, and community members to provide input, guidance, and accountability in the implementation of the college’s gender policy and initiatives.
7. Reporting and Accountability:
a. HarendraChitra College encourages individuals who experience or witness gender-based discrimination, harassment, or violence to report incidents to appropriate college authorities.
b. The college shall provide multiple reporting options, including anonymous reporting mechanisms, and shall ensure that all reports are taken seriously, investigated promptly, and addressed effectively.
c. The college shall hold individuals accountable for violations of the gender policy, imposing disciplinary measures and sanctions as appropriate to prevent recurrence and promote a safe and respectful campus environment.

Academic and Support Facilities Policy:
The Academic and Support Facilities Policy outline the guidelines and expectations for the use, management, and maintenance of academic and support facilities within HarendraChitra College. These facilities are essential for the delivery of high-quality education and support services and play a critical role in creating a conducive learning environment for students, faculty, and staff.

1. Access and Availability:
a. Academic and support facilities shall be accessible to all members of the college community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors, during operating hours established by the college.
b. The college shall prioritize equitable access to facilities for individuals with disabilities, ensuring that all facilities comply with accessibility standards and regulations.
c. The college shall maintain a schedule of facility hours and make this information readily available to the college community through the college website, campus signage, and other communication channels.
2. Reservation and Allocation:
a. Academic and support facilities may be reserved or allocated for specific purposes, such as classes, meetings, events, or activities, through the college’s scheduling system.
b. Priority for facility reservations shall be given to academic activities, including classes, laboratories, and research activities, followed by college-sponsored events and activities that support the college’s mission and goals.
c. Requests for facility reservations shall be submitted in advance through the designated scheduling system and shall be subject to approval by appropriate college authorities based on availability and alignment with college priorities.
3. Use and Conduct:
a. Users of academic and support facilities shall conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful, responsible, and consistent with college policies and regulations.
b. Users shall adhere to all posted signs, guidelines, and instructions regarding facility use, including but not limited to occupancy limits, noise levels, food and drink restrictions, and equipment usage.
c. Users shall be responsible for the care and preservation of facilities and equipment, reporting any damage, maintenance issues, or safety hazards promptly to appropriate college authorities.
4. Safety and Security:
a. The college shall maintain a safe and secure environment within academic and support facilities, implementing appropriate safety protocols, procedures, and emergency preparedness plans.
b. Users shall comply with all safety regulations and procedures, including evacuation procedures, emergency notifications, and reporting of safety hazards or incidents.
c. The college shall provide security measures, including surveillance cameras, lighting, and security personnel, to deter and respond to incidents of vandalism, theft, or unauthorized access to facilities.
5. Maintenance and Cleaning:
a. The college shall ensure that academic and support facilities are maintained in a clean, safe, and functional condition through regular cleaning, maintenance, and repairs.
b. Users shall assist in maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of facilities by disposing of trash properly, cleaning up after themselves, and respecting shared spaces.
c. The college shall establish procedures for reporting maintenance issues, including but not limited to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) problems, plumbing issues, and electrical malfunctions, to ensure timely resolution.
6. Technology and Equipment:
a. The college shall provide access to technology and equipment necessary for academic and support activities, including computers, audio-visual equipment, laboratory instruments, and specialized tools.
b. Users shall use college-owned technology and equipment responsibly and ethically, adhering to all applicable laws, regulations, and college policies regarding acceptable use and protection of intellectual property.
c. The college shall establish procedures for requesting and using technology and equipment, including equipment check-out, usage guidelines, and maintenance protocols.
7. Accessibility and Accommodations:
a. The college shall ensure that academic and support facilities are accessible to individuals with disabilities, providing accommodations, modifications, and assistive technologies as needed to facilitate equal access and participation.
b. Users shall respect the needs and accommodations of individuals with disabilities, including but not limited to accessible seating, assistive listening devices, and accessible restrooms.
c. The college shall provide information and resources to facilitate access and accommodation requests, including designated accessibility coordinators and accessible campus maps.
8. Environmental Sustainability:
a. The college shall promote environmental sustainability and conservation practices within academic and support facilities, including energy efficiency, waste reduction, and recycling initiatives.
b. Users shall support sustainability efforts by conserving resources, minimizing waste, and participating in recycling and conservation programs as appropriate.
c. The college shall incorporate sustainability principles into facility design, construction, and renovation projects, prioritizing green building practices and environmentally-friendly materials and technologies.
9. Reporting and Feedback:
a. Users are encouraged to report any concerns, suggestions, or feedback regarding academic and support facilities to appropriate college authorities.
b. The college shall establish channels for users to submit reports, feedback, and requests related to facility management, maintenance, and improvement, including online forms, suggestion boxes, and designated contact points.
c. The college shall review and respond to reports and feedback in a timely manner, taking appropriate action to address concerns, implement improvements, and enhance the overall quality of academic and support facilities.

Library Utilization and Maintenance Policy:
The Library Utilization and Maintenance Policy establishes guidelines for the effective utilization, management, and maintenance of the library facilities and resources within HarendraChitra College. The library plays a vital role in supporting teaching, learning, research, and scholarship, and this policy aims to ensure equitable access, efficient operation, and optimal maintenance of library services for the benefit of the college community.
1. Access and Hours:
a. The library shall be accessible to all members of the college community, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors, during operating hours established by the college.
b. The library hours shall be posted prominently on the library website, campus signage, and other communication channels to inform users of available access times.
c. The library may have extended hours during peak periods, such as midterm and final exams, to accommodate increased demand for study and research facilities.
2. Borrowing and Access Policies:
a. Library resources, including books, journals, multimedia materials, and electronic resources, shall be available for borrowing by eligible members of the college community, including students, faculty, and staff.
b. Borrowing privileges and loan periods shall be determined based on user status and library policies, with provisions for renewals, holds, and recalls as needed.
c. Access to electronic resources and databases shall be provided both on-campus and remotely to authorized users, with appropriate authentication and licensing agreements in place to ensure compliance with copyright laws and publishers’ terms of use.
3. User Conduct and Responsibilities:
a. Library users shall conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful, responsible, and conducive to a productive study and research environment.
b. Users shall adhere to all posted signs, guidelines, and instructions regarding library use, including but not limited to noise levels, food and drink restrictions, and computer use policies.
c. Users shall be responsible for the care and preservation of library materials and facilities, returning borrowed items on time, handling materials with care, and reporting any damage or loss promptly to library staff.
4. Study and Collaboration Spaces:
a. The library shall provide a variety of study spaces and environments to accommodate individual and group study needs, including quiet study areas, group study rooms, and collaborative workspaces.
b. Study spaces may be equipped with furniture, technology, and amenities to support different learning styles and preferences, with options for both quiet, focused study and interactive, collaborative work.
c. The library shall establish guidelines and reservation procedures for group study rooms and other collaborative spaces to ensure equitable access and fair use by all users.
5. Information Literacy and Research Support:
a. The library shall provide information literacy instruction and research support services to help users develop the skills and competencies needed to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively.
b. Librarians and library staff shall offer research consultations, workshops, and instructional sessions on topics such as database searching, citation management, and academic writing to support student learning and research.
c. The library shall maintain collections of print and electronic resources, including reference materials, scholarly journals, and specialized databases, to support the research and curricular needs of the college community.
6. Technology and Equipment:
a. The library shall provide access to technology and equipment necessary for research, study, and academic work, including computers, printers, scanners, and audiovisual equipment.
b. Users shall use library-owned technology and equipment responsibly and ethically, adhering to all applicable laws, regulations, and college policies regarding acceptable use and protection of intellectual property.
c. The library shall establish procedures for reporting technical issues or equipment malfunctions, providing timely assistance and support to users as needed to ensure uninterrupted access to library resources and services.
7. Collection Development and Management:
a. The library shall develop and maintain collections of print and electronic resources that support the teaching, research, and learning needs of the college curriculum and academic programs.
b. Collection development shall be guided by principles of intellectual freedom, diversity, and academic excellence, with input from faculty, students, and other stakeholders to ensure relevance and currency of materials.
c. The library shall regularly assess and evaluate its collections, identifying areas for expansion, deselection, or reallocation based on changing academic needs, usage patterns, and budgetary considerations.
8. Maintenance and Preservation:
a. The library shall ensure that library facilities, equipment, and collections are maintained in a clean, safe, and functional condition through regular cleaning, maintenance, and preservation activities.
b. The library shall establish procedures for monitoring and addressing maintenance issues, including but not limited to building repairs, equipment upgrades, and conservation treatments for rare or fragile materials.
c. Library staff shall receive training and support in proper handling and care of library materials, equipment, and facilities to minimize damage and ensure longevity of resources.
9. Accessibility and Accommodations:
a. The library shall ensure that library facilities and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities, providing accommodations, modifications, and assistive technologies as needed to facilitate equal access and participation.
b. Users with disabilities shall receive support and assistance from library staff in navigating library facilities, accessing materials, and using assistive technologies and resources.
c. The library shall provide information and resources to facilitate access and accommodation requests, including designated accessibility coordinators and accessible library guides and tutorials.
10. Reporting and Feedback:
a. Users are encouraged to report any concerns, suggestions, or feedback regarding library facilities, services, or resources to library staff or administration.
b. The library shall establish channels for users to submit reports, feedback, and requests related to library utilization, maintenance, and improvement, including online forms, suggestion boxes, and designated contact points.
c. The library shall review and respond to reports and feedback in a timely manner, taking appropriate action to address concerns, implement improvements, and enhance the overall quality of library services and facilities.

Code of Conduct for Students’ Union Elections:
Fairness and Integrity: All candidates, supporters, and organizers must uphold the highest standards of fairness and integrity throughout the election process. Any form of cheating, deceit, or unethical behaviour is strictly prohibited.

Respect for Others: Candidates and their supporters must demonstrate respect towards their fellow candidates, the student body, faculty, and staff. This includes refraining from engaging in personal attacks, spreading rumours, or engaging in any behaviour that undermines the dignity of others.

Equal Opportunity: Every eligible student should have an equal opportunity to participate in the election process. Discrimination or exclusion based on factors such as race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or socioeconomic status is unacceptable.

Campaigning Guidelines: Candidates must adhere to clear guidelines established by the election committee regarding campaigning activities. These guidelines may include rules regarding the placement of campaign materials, permissible campaign tactics, and restrictions on campaign events.

Financial Transparency: Candidates must maintain transparent records of all campaign expenditures and provide them upon request to the election committee. Any financial contributions or donations must be reported, and candidates should adhere to any spending limits set by the committee.

No Coercion or Bribery: Candidates and their supporters must not engage in any form of coercion, bribery, or inducement to influence voter decisions. This includes offering rewards or incentives in exchange for votes.

Social Media Conduct: Candidates are expected to maintain a professional and respectful presence on social media platforms throughout the election period. Any posts or comments that are inflammatory, derogatory, or disrespectful will be subject to review by the election committee.

Impartiality of Organizers: Organizers of the election, including faculty advisors and members of the election committee, must remain impartial and unbiased in their interactions with candidates. They should not provide preferential treatment or support to any particular candidate.

Compliance with College Policies: All candidates must comply with the policies and regulations of the college governing student conduct. This includes adherence to academic integrity policies, campus safety regulations, and rules regarding the use of college facilities and resources.

Conflict Resolution: In the event of disputes or violations of the code of conduct, the election committee will conduct a thorough investigation and take appropriate action. This may include issuing warnings, imposing sanctions, or disqualifying candidates from the election.

Appeals Process: Candidates have the right to appeal any decisions made by the election committee. Appeals must be submitted in writing within a specified timeframe and will be reviewed by an impartial appeals panel.

Education and Awareness: The college will provide educational programs and resources to inform students about the election process, their rights and responsibilities as candidates, and the importance of democratic participation in student governance.
By participating in the student union election, candidates agree to abide by this comprehensive code of conduct. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action, including disqualification from the election or other appropriate sanctions. The primary goal of this code is to ensure a fair, transparent, and inclusive election process that upholds the principles of democracy and respect for all members of the college community.
Sustaining Our Values:
Our journey towards excellence and community is on-going. As we embrace this Code of Conduct, let us remember that it is not a static document but a living embodiment of our collective values. We must continually reaffirm and recommit ourselves to these principles, adapting and evolving as we strive for greater understanding and inclusivity.

By nurturing a culture of mutual respect and accountability, we create an environment where all members can flourish and thrive. Let us remain vigilant in upholding these standards, recognizing that our actions have a profound impact not only on ourselves but on the entire community.
As we navigate the complexities of academic and social life, let us draw strength from our shared commitment to integrity, compassion, and resilience. Together, we can overcome challenges and build a brighter future grounded in the principles of equity, justice, and respect for all.
In closing, let us carry forth the spirit of this Code of Conduct in all that we do, both within our college community and in the world beyond. Through our collective efforts, we can create a legacy of excellence and integrity that will endure for generations to come. Thank you for your dedication to these principles, and may we continue to inspire and support one another on this journey of discovery and growth.